About me

A bit more about me

Hey there, I'm Stavros! I'm a 19-year-old born in 2004, and I made a big leap by moving to the UK in August 2021 to pursue my A-levels. Originally from the lively city of Athens, Greece, I've got big dreams and an unwavering determination to turn them into reality. One of my main passions is tinkering with Arduino, those programmable boards that let me bring my everyday dreams to life through electrical wizardry.


When I'm not working on my Arduino projects, I dive headfirst into documentaries about engineering. They're incredibly inspiring and fuel my passion for the field. I'm always eager to learn and explore new concepts. On top of that, I've developed a curiosity for economics, spending my free time researching stock market trends and real estate strategies. Calculating the return on investment and exploring the potential of these avenues is truly fascinating to me.


Speaking of pursuing passions, this September, at the age of 19, I'm super stoked to kick off my degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Brunel. It's an exciting opportunity for me to delve deeper into my interests and expand my knowledge. While I haven't quite figured out which specific branch of engineering I want to specialize in, one thing's for sure – I want to merge my developing programming skills with my engineering mindset. It's a dream come true to be able to combine creative problem-solving abilities with coding prowess.


I'm thrilled to embark on this incredible adventure and see where it takes me. The blend of engineering, programming, and my insatiable curiosity for the world around me is what drives me forward. Let's make these dreams a reality!